All talks, events and other opportunities offered by the Society are free to members.
Please note: students free! Students may attend all talks free of charge on presentation of a current student card.
You may pay your annual subscription using one of the following methods:
– by cash or cheque at a lecture
– by bank transfer to CorkDFAS (bank details available to applicants on request)
Please email with any questions you have about membership
Annual Membership
The Annual Subscription runs from September and admits the member to all the activities of the Society, including all seven talks. It is due in September but may also be paid at the first lecture.
Annual Subscription:
€85 standard subscription per member
€80 concession subscription per member †
Autumn Membership
The Autumn Subscription runs from September and admits the member to all the activities of the Society that take place during the first part of the season, including three talks. It is due before or at the first event of the season.
Autumn Subscription:
€45 standard subscription per member
€40 concession subscription per member †
Spring Membership
The Spring Subscription runs from January and admits the member to all the activities of the Society that take place during the second part of the season, including four talks. It is due before or at the first event of the remainder of the season.
Spring Subscription:
€55 standard subscription per member
€50 concession subscription per member †
† senior citizens, unwaged persons, members living at the same address
Visitors may currently attend only the talks upon payment of the Visitor Fee.
Visitor Fee: €12 per visitor per talk with a maximum of two talks per season
Visitors are restricted to a maximum of two talks of the seven per annual season. Should a visitor elect to become a member any visitor fees paid are credited against the membership fee for that year.