Events for 2024-25

Upcoming Events:

Saturday October 5

Launching CorkDFAS Autumn/Winter 2024 Event Season

Berthe Morisot: Woman with a Fan. Portrait of Madame Marie Hubbard, 1874, Oil on canvas

Women Impressionists in the National Gallery of Ireland.

Sat. Oct. 5th 2024 @13.00

Guided Private Tour: National Gallery of Ireland, Millenium Wing, Clare Street, Dublin 2.

In welcoming you to the 2024 Autumn/Winter Season of CorkDFAS Events, we are delighted to invite members to participate in a Guided Private Tour of “Women Impressionists” before the exhibition closes on Oct. 6th.

Places are limited to total of 15 attendees.

CorkDFAS members have priority until Sat. 21st Sept. on a first-come-first-served basis. After this date, any remaining places will be open to guests, again on a first-come-first-served basis. Confirmation of booking will require pre-payment of relevant fee (via online banking or directly to either Karen or Kathy. Cheques payable to CorkDFAS). We look forward to hearing from you.

Rendezvous point will be inside the Millenium Wing (Clare Street) entrance to National Gallery at 12.40. Women Impressionists Guided Tour will commence at 13.00 sharp.

€25.00 for current CorkDFAS members            €40.00 for non-members/guests.

Cost includes entry/exhibition fee and place on guided tour.

To request a booking, or for further details, please email Kathy or Karen @  or

Please note that transport is not provided.

Recommended exhibitions to visit which run concurrently in the NGI on Oct.5th:

           An Túr Glaoine: Artists and the Collective in Room 11,

           In Real Life: drawings and paintings celebrating nature in the Print Gallery

Mary Cassatt: Autumn, Portrait of Lydia Cassatt, 1880, Oil on canvas

Previous Events

Heritage Week: 17-25 August 2024

Tuesday 20 August,Cork Public Museum in Fitzgerald’s Park 

Cork DFAS volunteers manned a selection of displays in the museum, guiding visitors through them and providing extra information.